

Meditate on this for a moment. (Re-blogged from 2012)

Anandave's Blog

Space is darkness, and empty, yet it is the energy which holds the universe in motion. Space has no boundaries or limitations, can neither be created nor destroyed, but is everything and – and is eternal. It has no outside or inside but is. Your space is part of the space and inter-is with every other being’s space. Every atom, every molecule, every sub-atomic particle, has space, it is the energy that keeps the electrons, protons etc., moving and holding them together to form matter. But space is not that matter, that gas, or rock or fluid, but is that which interconnects all things, into a one; no self, no me, no I, no it, no words at all.

“The tao that can be described
isnot the eternal Tao.
The name that can be spoken
is not the eternal Name.”

opening verse – Tao Te Ching 

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“With traditional arts in Asia much emphasis is put on long-term practice and effort, so as to reach continuously higher levels of skill development. There is a deeper character training happening as well, to reduce the ego’s voice, let go of fears, cultivate mindfulness, increase gratitude and live more fully in the present moment.” ~Christopher […]

via Zen

Source: Thank You For Signing Up | Walk With Me

I signed up so that I’ll be notified when film is screening in my area in “Fall” which  take to be our spring??




“We need a real awakening, enlightenment, to change our way of thinking and seeing things. To breathe in and be aware of your body and look deeply into it, realise you are the Earth and your …

Source: Realize You are the Earth – Thich Nhat Hanh

A good primer.

Buddhism now

Sitting in meditationAwareness is the key. But what does the word mean to you? To most people, perhaps, it denotes an acknowledgement of that which is going on around them in a general sort of way. In the context of meditation, however, it means ‘waking up’, becoming acutely sensitive, knowing, feeling, living the moment in its pristine state, sensing colours and contours, sounds, textures, smells, recognising tendencies within oneself yet resisting the pull to be controlled by them — this is meditation, to begin with at least.

Life is a bit of a game really, isn’t it? We look forward to something and when it comes we criticise it, resent it, worry about it, want to change it, want to make it better.

Why do so many beings have to endure hunger and cold, heat, disease, cruelty, physical and mental abuse and deprivation, torture, injustice, and all the rest of it? Some have…

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Enjoyable blog.

Buddhism now

Buddhism whatever else it is, is a path of awareness, awakening. Monju seated on a lion. British Museum. Photo by Mistvan commons.wikimedia.org.You sometimes hear widely accepted teachings in Buddhism being argued about and all but dismissed, but Buddhism is for testing. Isn’t that the whole point? But you do hear these tussles going on. There is one aspect I feel would be hard to reject by anyone and that is the emphasis on awareness—simply becoming clear about what is happening as it happens. We might be in the habit of getting caught up in day-to-day circumstances.

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First Goldfinch arrives (April 15, 2013).


A mere 3.4 cm (1.34 inches) in length and 1.6 cm (0.63 inches) tall, this carved olive pit from 1737 is one of the most intricate artworks you will see. The perfectly preserved Carved Olive-Stone Boat was crafted by artist Ch’en Tsu-chang during China’s Ch’ing dynasty.

The sculpture is on display at the National Palace Museum in Taipei City, Taiwan. On the tiny boat are eight figures, each with unique expressions. The interior features chairs and dishes, and the windows are also moveable.

Engraved on the bottom of the boat is the entire text of Su Shih’s Latter Ode on the Red Cliff, which includes more than 300 characters upon which the work is based.

[National Palace Museum via Proteon on reddit]


carved olive pit from 1737 by chen tsu-chang chiing dynasty (1)

Artwork by Ch’en Tsu-chang
National Palace Museum


carved olive pit from 1737 by chen tsu-chang chiing dynasty (4)

Artwork by Ch’en Tsu-chang
National Palace Museum


carved olive pit from 1737 by chen tsu-chang chiing dynasty (3)

Artwork by Ch’en Tsu-chang
National Palace Museum


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ME too…..